About Us

Sports Unlimited is a registered company owned by us Mr. Muhd Khairul Asyraf Muhd Rodhi a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering graduate and Bachelor in Sports Management candidates from UiTM Shah Alam together with Miss Siti Nor Intan Nor Ali a Bachelor in Sports Science graduate and Master in Sports Science candidates from UiTM Shah Alam. 

Both of us were actively involved in many types of sports and recreation activities such as cricket, netball, ultimate Frisbee, mountain biking, and many more. Certified as a sports masseur, fitness instructor, recreation instructor, kayaking instructor, and a certified first aider had both of us develop the company to share and offer our knowledge and skills. 

Being active is always been our priority and fitness always had been our concerned. We are very glad to see that more and more people are keen into health and fitness but some are still searching for the motivation to do so. We found that it is our duty to spread our knowledge and share our experienced by being active through offering our professional services related to health and fitness.

Therefore, we hoped that Sports Unlimited will help you in search for sports massage , aerobics instructor and sports apparel. We will always try to improve our services to ensure you get the best service and satisfaction.  

Sports Unlimited, Sports for Everyone!